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On this page you’ll find details about our classes, gatherings and the ways in which we support the School of Facilitation Community.

Have a scroll, dive in, and we hope to see you very soon!


We have a variety of classes available, find out which one may best suit you.

A desire to go deeper into your learning about facilitation and training? Join Flourishing Facilitator, a four month programme which will see you expanding yourself and your community.

Learn more.

Or are you seeking a space to look at how you facilitate and train, receive feedback on your style? Join the delivery class

Learn more.

Maybe you want to refresh your thinking on designing workshops? Join our virtual masterclass on workshop design. 

Learn more.

Wanting time to review your business and plan the next quarter? Join the Intention setting sessions

Learn more.

The six week mastermind to gain confidence and clarity in your pricing strategy.

Learn More


It's good to learn and broaden our knowledge, explore the world we work in and grow.  As facilitators, trainers and coaches we intuitively know it’s important that we grow our skills and capabilities to be in service of our clients.

Gatherings are a place, a space and a time where you can come and learn more about how to be an effective facilitator and trainer.​ Bring your struggles, your wins and your quests for knowledge… they’ll be facilitated here.

Want a taste of the School of Facilitation community?

Join us for a free Community Pod, a one hour Zoom session based on one of four themes: yourself, your learners, your clients, your business.

Find out about our flourishing facilitator and trainer community, learn more about our wisdom keepers and explore our offering.

The pods started in March 2020 in a response to the UK lockdown, facilitators and trainers losing work and needing a space to connect with others.

We gathered every Friday morning for 20 weeks, connecting, sharing and inspiring one another during a difficult time.

We quickly realised this space and community is needed and wanted by you so we continue to meet on the first Friday of every month.
